Our Mission
United Recovery Fund’s mission is to be a bridge to sustainable employment for people affected by substance use disorder and incarceration by providing support, dignity and purpose.
Headquartered in Portland, Maine,
United Recovery Fund empowers hundreds of individuals to achieve and maintain meaningful employment, while also cultivating a healing community that helps prevent relapse and recidivism.
Our Model
United Recovery Fund partners with MaineWorks, an award-winning B-Corp social staffing company to support our clients in their re-entry into the workforce following treatment for substance use disorder and/or incarceration.
MaineWorks provides the jobs.
United Recovery Fund provides the support each client needs
to show up to work confidently and comfortably each day.

Meet The Team
Karen J. Stanley
Executive Director

Barry Wolach
Program Manager

Christine Babb
Financial Director

Margo Walsh
Chair & Co-Founder

Janet Van Liere
Vice Chair

Helen Andreoli
Current Board Members

Jack Davies
Board Member

Elise Kiely
Board Member

Jonathan Sahrbeck
Board Member

Anthony Salvucci
Board Member

Holly Sargent
Board Member

Robert Smith
Board Member

Rose Splint
Board Member
Former Board Members

Elaine Walsh Carney

Maddy Corson*

Lucy Edwards

Tom Hildreth
Co-Founder, President Emeritus

Samuel A Ladd III

Greg Smith*
*In Memory
Our Partners
United Recovery Fund is grateful for the following partners, supporters, and resources, without whom our work would not be possible.